aftermovie 2024

The 21st edition of the afstudeerbeurs was a great success! More than 300 companies and organisations networked with up-and-coming talent.

The general job market offered graduate degree students as well as bachelors and masters a wide range of opportunities - from internships to jobs. In the Ghent Capital of Technology corner some 30 high-tech start-ups from the Ghent region and the Ghent port area displayed their interesting offer for start-ups.

Furthermore, the interuniversity Job Market for Young Researchers, where a wide range of exciting career opportunities was presented to PhDs/postdocs from the five Flemish universities (and beyond), was brimming with possibilities.

The rapid evolutions in our society make up-skilling and retraining an indispensable key to a successful economy. In this context, extra attention was paid to lifelong learning by our AUGent partner institutions: UGent, HOGENT, Arteveldehogeschool and Howest.

It was a combination well enjoyed by the more than 5,000 visitors. Save the date for our next edition on 27 March 2025!

Watch our aftermovie now! With thanks to Wim Rombouts of freshcutvideo.